
70 results:
Cooperative Security in Europe under stress #TGK20
Under the motto "Cooperative security in confrontational times?" The Tiergarten Conference 2020 takes place from September 16-18. Unlike in previous years, this time the forums are exclusively online.  
Riga Dialogue 2020
This year the Riga Dialogue took place on September 10 under the heading "Strategic Narratives and Sustainability in the Euroatlantic Community". Already for the seventh time, foreign and security…  
Eine „Sprache der Verantwortung“ für Europa
Advisor to the European Parliament Julia Wanninger is convinced: the EU needs a joint foreign policy. For this, it has to learn the “language of responsibility” rather than the “language of power”.…  
FES ROCPE is looking for support!
The new office on democracy of the FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe is seeking a Senior Researcher for Democracy and Society and a Senior Researcher for Democracy and…  
Webinar: Competing global narratives: COVID19 and beyond
Different narratives emerging: Effects of the Coronavirus in the EU, China, Russia and the US. The pandemic did not change the world yet, but political and economic answers to the enormous challenge…  
New frontiers for the Eastern Partnership
Opinion by Stanislav Mulyukin  
Debatte um die nukleare Teilhabe: Ja, bitte!
Meinungsbeitrag von Simon Weiß und René Schlee  
New FLEET publication: Responsible Europe
Thirty years after the seminal Paris Charter of the OSCE was adopted, a group of young Europeans called FLEET proposes Responsible Europe as a practical roadmap towards a…  
Cooperative Security Initiative & Corona
We added a 19th question: What, in your opinion, are the three most important lessons to be learned from COVID-19 for improving cooperation in Europe and beyond?  
FES ROCPE is alive and kicking
Dear friends and colleagues, Despite the pandemic FES ROCPE is alive and kicking. Like probably most of you, we continue our work from home. We would like to give you an update on our…  
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